The Education: What it is and how it should be

Results of 10th and 12th standard exams have come in last 3 days. More yet to come. Here are my observations of the results and education system.

1. In 12th Commerce Gujarat board, 74.2% of English medium students passed the exam. While just 55% of Gujarati medium students could pass successfully. There can be multiple reasons of this.
1.1 We perceive that a large number of students (their parents actually) prefer English medium compared to Gujarati medium.
1.2 Students studying in English medium normally come from economically stronger family compared to Gujarati medium student. Or here the case can be a reverse. The more the parents earn, higher the chances of they make their kids study in English medium. Finally, better financial situations can buy better resources and hence better results. This doesn’t mean children from poor families can not do well in exams. But there is always a difference of quantity in exceptional superstars and a belt of asteroid

2. In 10th standard, almost 30000 students got failed which is significantly higher than the last year. Had it been China, Russia, any European, African or Latin American country, it would be the matter of surprise. How come there be an exam of a language you say your mother tongue? And if it is, how come you fail in that? That happens in India. This question is not about Gujarati but any regional language of India. We are not only killing our own language but closing doors of wisdom and knowledge that language has built for several centuries now. Humanity and future generation will suffer the most when a language dies.

3. I have seen above chart in one of the new paper. I respect their views and am not here to counter or troll them. But I have a different opinion. Why many lakhs of students need to opt from 5 to 10 disciplines? BA,, BBA, BCA, CA, CS, MBA. That’s it? Businesses need Receptionists for example. Can’t there be a course to prepare superior receptionists? and yes no university teaches what should you do to become a good receptionist. A student has finished his 12th standard and has great skills in painting and graphics. Why should he choose from B.Com or MBA only? There should be ample opportunities and seats to teach her global knowledge and standards of paintings to make him a painter. Our society needs a lot many people like Line Artists, Photographers, Auto & Cab drivers, Interpreters, Sweepers, Animators, Hair stylists, Carpenters, Shopkeepers, Printers, Tourist guides, Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Cooks, Mechanics, Social workers and thousand others. Education should help them achieve the ultimate height of their passion rather considering B.Com as a sure shot for everyone.

4. Here is my idea of restructuring our current education system. My suggestion is to restructure our K-12 education system into slabs of 2 years rather 1. From age 0 to 6 is pre-schooling and will be divided into 3 levels-2 years each. They should have teachings related to the brain development of a toddler. Formal schooling to start at age 6 and first 5 levels (10 years) should be mandatory for all. These 5 levels should focus on preparing a kid for life and not only for the career. Interpersonal relationships, leadership, communication, social discipline, vehicle manners, Religion, Basics of Law & Constitution, History, Writes and Responsibilities, Physical fitness etc are the things to be taught here along with Maths, Science, Languages and other subjects. On completion of level 5, ideally, I would suggest having a break of 1 year. Do some work, internships, travel around and explore the world. Many from here can join the blue color work force. Remaining would be more clear about their passion and strengths. They can go for level 6 which will have options to choose from. After each level from here onwards, a person will have an opportunity to leave the formal study and start working. Level 6,7,8,9…each level is responsible for making the person ready for the career. Let me take an example of my domain that is IT. In India Engineering takes 4 years and having an MCA degree will need 6 years. after spending all these years almost 99% remain jobless or do basic jobs of Data entry and computer operations. Instead, Level 6 should prepare them for Data handling and computer operations and let them join the workforce. If students are interested further they will opt for level 7 where they can become a good programmer or web designer or a network administrator etc…. This will save a lot of time, will increase productivity & employment and will reduce expectations from “education”.

Education is the process of manifestation of the giant within, we have made it a wrongly written automation algorithm that converts a blissful child into a confused puppet.

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