Work Life balance of young professionals

Kripali is a workaholic with little time for fun Kripali Dave, 29, single, working in a BPO for two and a half years.
Parents live in Pune and she is alone in Hyderabad. Damini is tall, smart, and speaks eloquently She has a ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude on the exterior but is sensitive and easily hurt. Has been in and out of relationships. And thus wants to give relationships some time to mature.
Is smart but is quite a walkover, emotionally
She works in an 11 am to 8 pm shift, Monday to Friday. Often timings change to 9 am to 10 pm.
A typical week day in her life unfolds somewhat like this:
07.30 am – Alarm goes off but is shut down.
08.30 am – Pushes herself out of bed, bathes and cooks breakfast
09.45 am – Takes the company cab to work.
10.45 am – Swipes into office.
11.00 am – Goes to boss’s office for the morning review meeting.
02.00 pm – Decides to walk five floors to the cafeteria for lunch but it seems tough today, maybe tomorrow.
03.00 pm – Meetings and more meetings .
06.00 pm – Catches a quick snack and coffee.
07.00 pm – Reviews problems and feedback from the night shift teams.
09.15 pm – Waits for the office cab.
10.30 pm – Back at home sweet home. Must rustle up to some warm dinner. But who has the energy to cook? Home delivery is such a convenient option.
11.30 pm – Boyfriend has been calling . Feels like saying “no,” but her loneliness compels her to have some company

Work seems to be all that Kripali has time for. If her health is going down and weight going up, is it because of her timings, lack of determination or laziness? She seems to be in a vicious cycle and needs to get out of it.

Exercise is a must and she must get up early in the morning and work-out for twenty minutes. Meditation and yoga might help. A proper diet chart is what she needs and for that she must consult an expert . There is no job that doesn’t have long hours but a work-life balance can be drawn. This is the right time to put her act together and these few changes in the cycle of life will help. And yes most she needs is a family, care from parents, love of a husband and joy from children. Human can’t live alone.

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