Adhik Maas – The additional month to improve yourself


Calendars are made in tune with the movement of the sun, the moon, and the earth. The days and months change according to the motion of these objects. But achieving accuracy in round figure is never possible so all the calendars have kept adjustments of leap years. The Solar calendar which is being widely followed across the globe has 365 days in a year. But to be in sync with the actual motion of the earth around the sun, the calendar adds 1 additional day every 4th year and year becomes of 366 days.

The Hindu calendar follows lunar movements and remains in sync with Nakshatras. The year is of 354/355 days regularly. The remaining 10 or 11 days a year would be adjusted all together every 3 years when an additional month would be added into that year. So the year becomes of 13 months. That month is called “Adhik Maas” (The additional month) and since it is additional, it should be spent on the worship and duty of Lord Vishnu. People observe fast, do additional pooja, chanting, Katha, Reading and etc which can give them peace and happiness.
The adhik maas is starting today and should be observed into the improvement and discoveries of one’s self. Take up an idea for this month, which you feel will sharpen your skills, will help you be better, will help you do better for future. That can be Reading, Meditation, Yog, Exercise, Practicing music and other hobbies, Visiting places, Meeting people, Speaking less, Cycling, Sports and anything which keeps you happy and makes you better.

Take up a Vrat (challenge) for you and follow the same for next 30 days. Spend dedicated time and put committed efforts towards it. Open the door of success and find the improved self of yours. Krishna will help you for sure.

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