150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda

12th January 2012 to 12th January 2013 is going to be celebrated as 150th birth anniversary year of Swami Vivekanand- The youth icon of India.

It was the time of British empire in India when he born in the year 1863. During his short life of 39 years not only he convinced the whole world with the knowledge and spirituality of India, but also envisioned the brighter, stronger and free India coming out from the darkness of thousand years of foreign attacks and slavery. No one can deny that it was his thoughts and vision which motivated thousands of Indian leaders and freedom fighters including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhashchandra Bose and many others. And not only for freedom struggle, his thoughts have been charging and motivating thousands and lacks of people to struggle, to lead, to change and to win till date. Take any name from vikram sarabhai to APJ Kalam to Anna Hazare, every successful person in India has his/ her roots of motivation in the thoughts of Swami Vivekanand.

What was there behind this affect of Swami Vivekananda’s words? Even he openly accepted “I am not saying anything new, these all are from the Ved, Upnishad and other ancient Indian scriptures”. Swami Vivekanand invoked the huge collection of knowledge and thoughts and thus invoked whole country and specially youth. His way of representation, great command on knowledge and languages, magical eyes and voice and above them all, truth and uniqueness between thoughts and deeds were enough capable to adore any individual towards him.
In this of 150th birth year of swami Vivekananda let’s remember few of the greatest words which swami Vivekananda considered most important for human being.

1) Fearlessness: He said much on this. In fact he considered this word as the abstract of the Ved and Upnishads. Only thing causing all the problems to a human being is fear. Once you through it out one will conquer the world.

2) Sacrifice: Swamiji considered this as a national ideal of India. According to him happiness is in giving up and not enjoying. He also extends that though the person who give is always big, one should always privilege the taker because of whom the donor can get a chance and joy of giving. He considers sacrifice as the tool which helped India build her strong base of culture.

3) Service: Along with Sacrifice he considers Service as another national ideal of India. Sacrifice and service together helped India survived in most turbulent time.

4) Spirituality: The definition of spirituality is not ritualism for swami Vivekananda. He boldly said “I don’t believe in a religion which can’t feed a hungry human being”. For him spirituality was the base of healthy and happy leaving.

It has been said the writings of Swami Vivekananda is such huge that it is a work of 1500 years to understand and implement it in practice. But definitely this day is coming soon.
Wish you all a Brave, Courageous and Religious greetings of this day and year. Lets join the hands to spread Swami Vivekanand’s words.

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